As a writer or even worse a poet, I am the basest of thieves. I will steal a line in a heartbeat if it tickles my fancy. I am happy to give credit for the line, at least whenever I can remember the author. However heinous that may sound, the rest of the world can be just as cavalier. Case in point, the famous and often misquoted line by Mark Twin, “The report of my death was an exaggeration” Countless people, me included, have massaged the line to fit their own purposes. My favorite has always been, ‘Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated”.
At this stage of my life, the terms ‘death’ and ‘retirement’ are just opposite sides of the same coin. In a previous Living a Dream post, I unceremoniously announced my retirement from running.
“My erstwhile training partner and co-creator of Living a Dream, Dave Doerrer, and I have retired from formal competition. He for a pair of bad knees and me for a bad attitude.”
As it turns out the “Reports” of my retirement may be an exaggeration. My attitude has taken an up-tic. I have a new coach, Tamika Jameson, and a new set of aspirations. On February 8, 2020 on my first (age 54) and favorite track, Sun Angel Stadium, I will lace ‘em up for another run for glory with my septuagenarian pals in the 50 and 100 meter races. Wish me luck.
When it comes to living life backwards Benjamin Button has nothing on me I’ve dreamed of being me since I was three And like the great poet Muhammad Ali Me? Whee!
But I almost didn’t recognize myself because I forgot you can dream backwards as well as you can forwards Just like I forgot how blessings come to me Before I remember to ask for them or like following through on a pitch that’s already left your hand So life is just a back-story For the role I was born to play And all I have to do now is pretend I forgot the ending
To purchase my new book of poetry, Beyond the Waters, go to
Note to the kind souls who have purchased Beyond the Waters: If you liked the book please consider writing a review and submitting it to Amazon.
Thank you and Godspeed
