Google is my go-to brain
since mine is very small
Although I’m very clever
Google knows it all
He (Winston Churchill) mobilized the English language and sent it into battle… Edward R. Murrow
The nations of earth have weaponized God and set him upon each other. Little-known Poet
“History has it’s eyes on you.” The play Hamilton
If you live long enough, all your joys, sorrows, triumphs and defeats will return to you. As well as all your mistakes and unkind words and deeds. Not to mention all that’s been done to you and said about you. Heavy stuff! Unless of course, you have leaned to let it all go. Maybe this will help.
Feeling It Today We are all of us Good to Great Even if we Also Ran We are pure of heart Noble in our endeavors Generous in our appreciations Soaring in our spirituality and vulnerable in our need for others to co-create our litanies of triumph over the enemies of hope as we forge forgiveness from the inside out
In the Wings: See new poems in this space and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram . Also look for my new poetry book, Beyond the Waters.
