Signs of My Times
Sign on my office door if I ever get an office “No Lying, Cheating, or Price Gouging Politicians of any ilk need not apply Gratuities Graciously Accepted”
Sign On My Condo Door if I ever get up the nerve
“Contrarians Welcome all others be wary”
Contrarians’ Creed
Welcome to the Bard’s Contrarian Bar where things are nearly never what you think they are
Take the seven deadly sins you hear so much about Not nearly as deadly as folks make them out It seems to me what they’ve come to be are the cornerstones
of our society
to wit: The Magnificent Seven
Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Envy, Sloth, and Wrath
Gluttony—less for you, more for me Greed—give me more than I could ever need Lust—gotta get me some (…) or bust Pride—I’m way too big to step aside Envy—reserved for those with more than me Sloth—doing a Zoom chat in my underwear Wrath—piss me off and I will end you
The Bard of Appanoose